The Text
Site about text research by Francesc Hervada-Sala.
1. The Future of Text
Overview: what is text, past achievements and future advancements (~10 min read).
2. Symbolic Figures: From the Clay Tablet to the Text Engine
Short, non-technical presentation of my concept of text (~10 min read).
3. More Unixy Than Unix. A Text-Oriented Programmable Environment
This article reviews the design principle behind Unix and proposes a text-oriented software approach that further develops it and overcomes its limitations (~20-30 min read).
4. The Text Engine
This paper describes my software development project: the Text Engine. A programmable system built upon parsed text as universal interface (~45-60 min read).
Experimental Software
UText/1 The Universal-Text Interpreter ist a text markup and script language that I published as open source.